K-12 Excellence

In this page, I will write about K-12 (Kindergarten to Standard 12) educational excellence through Global Methods with Fresh Touch.
With the primary focus around, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) skills.
Future all systems are going to be smart systems and Robotics skills will be an enabling skill for that.
Global competition coupled with team working will help the younger generation to be prepared for the flat world as Global citizen.
Some of the Robotics big events are:
  1. First Lego League - theme for 2011 is Food Factor (final event as world festival on 25-28 Apr. 2012)
  2. World Robot Olympiad - 2011 event this year in UAE (18 - 20 Nov. 2011)
  3. Federation of International Robot-soccer Association - FIRA 2011 is held in Taiwan (26 - 30 Aug. 2011)
Watch this space for more updates.