Sep 17, 2010

Next Google, Facebook, Twitter? 5 Possibilities

Who will be the next
Google(1998) -Search, Facebook(2004) - Social Networking, Twitter(2006) - Microblog
and the next category creators on the internet.

Here are the 5 possibilities based on my understanding:
  1. Zygna (2007) - Social Gaming (Mark Pincus)
  2. Groupon (2008) - Collective Buying (Andrew Mason)
  3. FourSquare (2009) - Location Based Social Networking (Dennis Crowley)
  4. Square (2010) - Mobile Payment service (Jack Dorsey - also, Twitter founder)
  5. Layar (2010) - Augmented Reality Apps (Raimo)
Other companies who came close are Obopay, Spotify, GetJar, Bump, Flipboard

Do you have any recommendation?

Sep 11, 2010

Top10 - K12 Education Change Agents

Indian K-12 (Kindergarten to XII standard) is changing. In my understanding following Ten people are bringing innovative new methods for this change. There are many other change agents too.
  1. Shantanu Prakash Educomp Smart Class (ICT aided classroom)
  2. Lina Ashar Kangaroo Kids Learner centric methods in Preschools
  3. Ashish Rajpal iDiscoveri Teachers development
  4. Nirmala Sankaran Hey Math Innovative Math learning
  5. Sridhar Rajagopalan Educational Initiatives Asset - Diagnostic tests
  6. Sharat Chandra Butterfly Edufields Science - learning by doing
  7. Saumil Majmudar Edusports - Outsourced Sports!
  8. Umesh Malhotra Hippocampus Library centered learning
  9. Krishnan Ganesh Tutorvista Virtual teacher!
  10. Pulkit Gaur Edubotix Robotics learning
Do you have any recommendation to this list?