Dec 15, 2012

Innovation - Ten Thinkers

My new interest is to coach "Innovation as a Practice!"

Based on my understanding of this space, following are the ten Thinkers on Innovation:
  1. Peter Drucker (Innovation as a Discipline)
  2. Clayton Christensen (Disruptive Innovation)
  3. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne (Value Innovation/Blue Ocean Strategy)
  4. Hal Gregersen & Jeffrey Dyer (Innovation Skills)
  5. Henry Chesbrough (Open Innovation)
  6. Scott Anthony (Innovation Methodology)
  7. Mark Johnson (Business Model Innovation)
  8. Vijay Govindarajan & Chris Trimble (Reverse Innovation)
  9. Michael Hammer (Operational Innovation)
  10. Rita McGrath (Innovation Risk Management)

Feb 3, 2012

Book Review: Great by Choice

I am a fan of Jim Collins, with his books like “Built to Last”, “Good to Great”
I read his new book,Great by Choice. “Great by Choice” is an apt book in the current Uncertain times with Chaos. 
Collins - beliefs this kind of turbulent times are going to be the new normal in this world. 
“Great by Choice” is not only applicable to corporates it could be applied to individual life too. 
Collins calls “Great by Choice” companies as 10Xers. 10Xers produce ten times better results than the average.
IT industry is known for jargons. But, it can not compete with Jim Collins! 
So, what are the attributes of 10Xers?
  • 20 Mile March – called as fanatic discipline. As the saying goes - "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit" Human/Corporate tendency is to over do in good times and under do in bad times. 20 Mile March stresses consistency for great performance. Not zero miles one day and 50 miles another day!
  • Fire Bullets, Then Cannonballs – called as empirical creativity. Try few things (fire bullets) and one which works scale it to big (then cannonballs). Untested Big Bang can backfire and also, not taking advantage of what worked leads to mediocrity. 
  • Leading above the death line – called as Productive Paranoia. As the saying goes – “when the whole world sinks our ship will be the last to sink” It is the awareness of the calamity at an early stage and better prepared. If fear of failure is productively channelized then it can lead to better preparation. 
In a nutshell, smartest does not make it great! It is smart enough with consistency is “Great by Choice” 
And there are more jargons – SMaC recipe, Zoom Out Then Zoom In, Return on Luck etc. Read “Great by Choice”